Note: If you decide to upload a file containing a selection, your current selection will be lost being replaced by the selection present in the uploaded file.
Download Data
If data are extracted from the EurOBIS Data Portal for secondary analysis resulting
in a publication, the appropriate source should be cited.
The downloaded data should be cited as: EurOBIS (2025)
Basic Occurrence Data downloaded from. Available
online at, consulted on 2025-03-03.
Regarding the citation of the individual datasets, the following guidelines should be taken into account:
If any individual data source of EurOBIS constitutes a significant proportion of the downloaded and used
records (e.g. more than 10% of the data is derived from a single source), the individual data source should
also be cited.
If any individual data source of EurOBIS constitutes a substantial proportion of the downloaded and used
records (e.g. more than 25% of the data is derived from a single source or the data is essential to arrive
at the conclusion of the analysis), the manager or custodian of this data set should be contacted.
In any case, it may be useful to contact the data custodian directly. The data custodian might have
additional data available that may strengthen the analysis or he/she might be able to provide additional
helpful information that may not be apparent from the provided metadata.
The data may not be redistributed without the permission of the appropriate data owners. If data are
extracted from the EurOBIS Portal for redistribution, please contact us at
Kindly fill in your current organization, country and the purpose for which you use the download toolbox.
These data will be used for statistical purposes: to report on the usage of the EurOBIS download
tool. Your email address will be used to provide you a link to the download file and will be deleted
afterwards unless you indicate you wish to stay informed on the EurOBIS project. All personal data
in the EurOBIS portal is subject to the
VLIZ Privacy policy.
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An email will be send to notify you that your download is ready. You can also follow the state of the download preparation process under the Download Queue panel.
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