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A*MIDEX CHROME: Western Mediterranean automated flow cytometry surface sample from Ships of O/P crossing Tunis-Marseille and Tunis-Genova between October 2016-January 2017
National Center for Scientific Research (2018). A*MIDEX CHROME: Western Mediterranean automated flow cytometry surface sample from Ships of O/P crossing Tunis-Marseille and Tunis-Genova between October 2016-January 2017. https://marineinfo.org/id/dataset/5658
Thyssen, Melilotus
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this dataset has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this dataset.

Phytoplankton functional diversity and spatio-temporal distribution at the meso-scale are studied in the frame of the A*MIDEX CHROME (Continuous High Resolution Observation of the Mediterranean, https://en-chrome.mio.univ-amu.fr/?page_id=42) project thanks to the combined installation of a Ferrybox system (belonging to the INSTM, Tunis) and a cytosense flow cytometer onboard the CTN’s ferry “Le Carthage”. Samples were collected during the cruises between Tunis-Marseille and Tunis-Genova from October 2016 to January 2017. This led to an mount of 80 transects and more than 7000 samples collected. Data analyses resolved the abundances of up to six phytoplankton functional groups based on size and pigment content. more
Sampling activities in the framework of JERICO-NEXT
Sampling activities in the framework of JERICO-NEXT
Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton
Marine/Coastal, Cytometry, Ferrybox, Phytoplankton, ship, Ships of opportunity, vessel of opportunity, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, MED, Western Mediterranean
Geographical coverage
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: 5,2612; MinLat: 36,8684 - MaxLong: 10,3998; MaxLat: 43,2507 [WGS84]
Coordinates: MinLong: 5,2612; MinLat: 36,8684 - MaxLong: 10,3998; MaxLat: 43,2507 [WGS84]
MED, Western Mediterranean [Marine Regions]
Temporal coverage
2016 - 2017
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC]
Area mean of forward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of orange fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of red fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of sideward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of forward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of orange fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of red fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of sideward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Registered name identifier of flow cytometry cluster by classification to a term from the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names Vocabulary (SDN:F02::) [BODC]
Volume of sample from the water body [BODC]
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC]
Area mean of forward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of orange fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of red fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area mean of sideward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of forward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of orange fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of red fluorescence pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Area standard deviation of sideward light scatter pulse per cluster from the water body by flow cytometry [BODC]
Registered name identifier of flow cytometry cluster by classification to a term from the NVS SeaDataCloud Flow Cytometry Standardised Cluster Names Vocabulary (SDN:F02::) [BODC]
Volume of sample from the water body [BODC]
The National Center for Scientific Research; Institut National de Science de l'Univers; Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille; Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), data creator
Thyssen, Melilotus
Lahbib, Soumaya
Grégori, Gérald
Marrec, Pierre
Lahbib, Soumaya
Grégori, Gérald
Marrec, Pierre
National Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology (INSTM) of Tunesia (INSTM)
Sammari, Cherif
Related datasets
Parent dataset:
JERICO-NEXT: Joint Research Activity Project 1: Phytoplankton Biodiversity
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Jerico-Next: Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observatories
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2017-06-23
Information last updated: 2022-08-12