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On the 1st of September 2023, TunSea's platform selected a comprehensive inventory of species presentation derived from a diving excursion in Monastir Bay in Tunisia. This compilation concerns diverse taxonomic groups, ranging from Bivalvia and Crustacea to Gastropoda. The meticulous identification and validation of these species were executed by proficient taxonomists of the association.
moreProject Data
data is derived from a diving excursion in Monastir Bay, on the 1st of September 2023. This compilation concerns a diverse taxonomic groups, ranging from Bivalvia and Crustacea to Gastropoda. The meticulous identification and validation of these species were executed by proficient taxonomists of the association.
Title TunSea Association
Study Area Description Monastir Bay, located on the eastern coast of Tunisia was, a few decades ago, characterized by high marine biodiversity. However, the environmental quality of this coast is affected by several urban and industrial discharges.
Sampling Methods
List of marine species observed during diving
Study Extent Monastir Bay
Quality Control WoRMS is used for taxonomic checks and Marine Regions for locality.
Method step description:
Diving and photos of marine species
Coordinates: MinLong: 10,878; MinLat: 35,7165 - MaxLong: 10,878; MaxLat: 35,7165 [WGS84]