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MEP-NSW Fish community: Fish community surveys for the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme of the North Sea OWEZ wind park between 2003 and 2011
Wageningen Marine Research (WMR), the Netherlands; (2020). MEP-NSW Fish community: Fish community surveys for the Monitoring and Evaluation Programme of the North Sea OWEZ wind park between 2003 and 2011. https://www.noordzeewind.nl/nl_nl/kennis/ecologie-and-omgeving/_jcr_content/par/tabbedcontent/tab_525679140/textimage.stream/1555488220693/8eb2896f3f887ec7d9283d45753522a255d16068/owez-r-264-t1-final-report-fish.pdf. https://marineinfo.org/doc/dataset/6589
Wageningen Marine Research (WUR-WMR)
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this dataset has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this dataset.

In 2006, the first Dutch offshore wind farm was built 10-19 km from the shore of Egmond aan Zee. A monitoring and evalulation program accompanied the plans for the construction and exploitation of this farm. This dataset focusses on the monitoring and evaluation of potential ecological consequences in the Dutch coastal zone related to this farm for the fish community. Monitoring was executed prior to the construction of the farm (2003/2004), one year after (2007/2008) and five years after (2011). Surveys were preformed with beam trawls, pelagic nets and gillnets to study both benthic and pelagic fish communities. The monitoring is directed and the dataset is maintained by Wagening Marine Research, previously IMARES, located at Wageningen, the Netherlands. Publication of the dataset has been facilitated by Deltares, The Netherlands.
Prior to publication data undergo quality control checked which are described in https://github.com/EMODnet/EMODnetBiocheck?tab=readme-ov-file#understanding-the-output
Marine/Coastal, Benthic, Bio-geographical regions, Biota, Environment, Fish community, Geoscientific Information, Habitats and biotopes, Metadata non conformant, Metadata not evaluated, No limitations to public access, Oceans, Pelagic, Sea regions, WGS84 (EPSG:4326), Windpark, XYZ ASCII, ANE, Netherlands, Dutch Coast, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Annelida, Arthropoda, Chordata, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Echinodermata, Mollusca
Geographical coverage
ANE, Netherlands, Dutch Coast [Marine Regions]
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: 3,904; MinLat: 52,0507 - MaxLong: 4,6168; MaxLat: 52,8768 [WGS84]
Coordinates: MinLong: 3,904; MinLat: 52,0507 - MaxLong: 4,6168; MaxLat: 52,8768 [WGS84]
Temporal coverage
23 April 2003 - 1 October 2011
Taxonomic coverage
Area of sample {sampled area} from the bed [BODC]
Count (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Gender of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Length of sampling track [BODC]
Sample duration [BODC]
Size of sample collector (mesh) {mesh size} [BODC]
Specimen age of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Width of sample collector (aperture) {mouth width} [BODC]
Area of sample {sampled area} from the bed [BODC]
Count (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Gender of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Length of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Length of sampling track [BODC]
Sample duration [BODC]
Size of sample collector (mesh) {mesh size} [BODC]
Specimen age of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Wet weight biomass (in assayed sample) of biological entity specified elsewhere [BODC]
Width of sample collector (aperture) {mouth width} [BODC]
Deltares; Unit Marine and Coastal Systems (DELTARES-ZKS), data manager
van der Heijden, Luuk
Wageningen University and Research Centre; Wageningen Marine Research (WMR)
Related datasets
Child datasets:
Details of MEP-NSW-Pelagic fish
MEP-NSW Demersal fish
MEP-NSW Gillnet
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Dataset information:
Dataset status: In Progress
Data type: Data
Data origin: Monitoring: field survey
Release date: 2020-11-26
Metadatarecord created: 2020-11-10
Information last updated: 2025-03-26