European Ocean Biodiversity Information System

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Monoplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe
Moskalev, L.I.; (2016. Monoplacophora distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas - an annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe.
Contact: Moskalev, Lev

Access data
Archived data
Availability: Creative Commons License This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

An annotation is given for the species Rokopella brummeri (Goud et Gittenberger, 1993), the only monoplacophoran species occurring deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. The species is known only from the type locality in the northeast Atlantic.

Prior to publication data undergo quality control checked which are described in

Biology > Benthos, Biology > Invertebrates
Marine/Coastal, Bio-geographical regions, Biota, Deep sea, Environment, Geoscientific Information, Habitats and biotopes, Metadata non conformant, Metadata not evaluated, No limitations to public access, Oceans, Sea regions, WGS84 (EPSG:4326), XYZ ASCII, ANE, Europe, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, Monoplacophora

Geographical coverage
ANE, Europe [Marine Regions]
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: -27,15; MinLat: 45,35 - MaxLong: -27,15; MaxLat: 45,35 [WGS84]

Temporal coverage
1872 - 2014

Taxonomic coverage
Monoplacophora [WoRMS]

Russian Academy of Sciences; P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (SIO RAS), moredata creator
Moskalev, Lev

Related datasets
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System

Based on this dataset
Moskalev, L.I. (2014). Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Monoplacophora. Inv. Zool. 11(1): 181-182

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Data collection
Release date: 2016-03-11
Metadatarecord created: 2015-10-05
Information last updated: 2025-03-26
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