European Ocean Biodiversity Information System

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Phytoplankton data collected during Second Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition (March-April 1998) on board of R/V Krenkel
Bryantseva Yu. (1998). Phytoplankton data collected during Second Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition (March-April 1998) on board of R/V Krenkel. Dataset published in electronic format by IBSS in 2013, consulted via iOBIS on [date].
Contact: Sergeyeva, Oleksandra

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Availability: Creative Commons License This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Dataset includes phytoplankton data collected during Second Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition (March-April 1998) on board of R/V Krenkel in the regions of South Orkney Islands, Drake Passage, Elephant Island and region of Ukrainian Antarctic Station. more

Expedition was organized by Ukrainian Antarctic Research Center. Samples were taken by 7 L Niskin bathometer at standard depths: 0, 20, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150m. Samples were concentrated by reverse filtration through nucleoporous (nuclear) filters with 1 µm size pores. Fixation - 40% Formalgedid or Glutar. Cell counts were done with a light microscope (magnification 100, 200, 400 x). In addition samples were taken by 7 L Niskin bathometer from depths where irradiance level = 100, 46, 25, 10 and 1% and were processed without concentration in drop 0.1-0.5 ml (1-3 replications). Individual biovolumes and biomass (wet weight) were calculated via geometric approximations. At IBSS, the data were digitized from paper processing books, quality-controlled and transformed to comply with the Darwin Core/OBIS Schema. Funds for data operations were kindly provided by the Census of Marine Life International Cosmos Prize Fund, through a grant to Rutgers University.

Prior to publication data undergo quality control checked which are described in

Biology > Plankton > Phytoplankton
Marine/Coastal, Bio-geographical regions, Biota, Environment, Geoscientific Information, Habitats and biotopes, Metadata non conformant, Metadata not evaluated, No limitations to public access, Oceans, research vessel, Sea regions, WGS84 (EPSG:4326), XYZ ASCII, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, PSW, Antarctica, South Orkney I., PSW, Antarctica, South Shetland I., Elephant I., PSW, Drake Passage

Geographical coverage
EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box
Coordinates: MinLong: -64,3; MinLat: -65,25 - MaxLong: -42; MaxLat: -57 [WGS84]
PSW, Antarctica, South Orkney I. [Marine Regions]
PSW, Antarctica, South Shetland I., Elephant I. [Marine Regions]
PSW, Drake Passage [Marine Regions]

Temporal coverage
20 March 1998 - 13 April 1998

Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit volume of the water body [BODC]
Cell volume of biological entity specified elsewhere by cell size measurements and computation using stereometric formulas [BODC]

National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), moredata ownerdata manager
Sergeyeva, Oleksandra
Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES), moredata creatordata creator
Bryantseva, Yulia

Related datasets
Published in:
EurOBIS: European Ocean Biodiversity Information System
OBIS Ukraine: Ukrainian Ocean Biodiversity Information System

Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Release date: 2013-12-09
Metadatarecord created: 2013-08-14
Information last updated: 2025-03-26
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