European Ocean Biodiversity Information System

EurOBIS point locations EurOBIS - the European Node
of the international Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) - publishes distribution data on marine species, collected within European marine waters or collected by European researchers
outside European marine waters.
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EurOBIS currently holds:
1,450 datasets
of which 620 datasets published with DOI
43,375,315 occurrence records
107,092,052 extended Measurement Or Facts (eMoF) records
39,155,796 quality controlled records (90% QC'd)
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Latest additions & updates

[2025-03-12] Danish benthic marine monitoring data from ODAM (971,338 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] Polychaeta distribution data from: Deep-sea fauna of European seas -... (606 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] Northern Elephant Seals Post-Breeding 2016 (313 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] Cover of intertidal macroalgae along the N and NW coast of the Iberian... (10,356 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] Total phytoplankton inventory in the North Sea and the river Scheldt... (7,898 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] Total phytoplankton inventory in the Southern Bight of the North Sea... (6,827 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] LifeWatch observatory data: phytoplankton observations by imaging flow... (16,245 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] ICES Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (59,505 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] European Seabirds At Sea (ESAS) (2,788,735 records) [update] [metadata]
[2025-03-12] List of marine species observed during diving in Monastir area,... (28 records) [update] [metadata]

Species documented for the first time in EurOBIS

[2025-02-24]Gibbula succincta P. P. Carpenter, 1864 accepted as Lirularia succincta (P. P. Carpenter, 1864)[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Xenophora mediterranea Tiberi, 1863[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Arca oblonga R. A. Philippi, 1849 accepted as Tegillarca nodifera (E. von Martens, 1860)[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Parthenina gracilis (Yokoyama, 1926) accepted as Egilina gracilis (Yokoyama, 1926)[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Rissoa (Sabanea) seminuda L. Seguenza, 1903[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Ostrea bicolor Hanley, 1846 accepted as Crassostrea tulipa (Lamarck, 1819)[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Venerupis irus (Linnaeus, 1758) sensu Yokoyama, 1924 accepted as Irus ishibashianus Kuroda & Habe, 1952[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Cotylorhiza erythraea Stiasny, 1920[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Prymnesium neolepis (M.Yoshida, M.-H.Noel, T.Nakayama, T, Naganuma & I. Inouye) Edvardsen, Eikrem & Probert, 2011[map][WoRMS]
[2025-02-24]Shionodiscus oestrupii var. venrickae (G. Fryxell & Hasle) A.J. Alverson, S.H. Kang & E.C. Theriot, 2006[map][WoRMS]

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